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Americans spend more than $30 billion every year on weight loss foods, clinics, books, pills, surgeries, exercise plans, diet sodas, and gimmicks, but we're still an obese nation. What we've been doing is clearly not working. The statistics show—as most of us have observed for ourselves—that weight gain over time is almost inevitable. Fad diets don't work, medicines and other gimmicks don't help us.
     Diets don't work; we're genetically programmed to eat more than we need. We're just stuck with the problem, right?
     For years I've had a great deal of success helping patients lose weight with my 8-Point Fat Blocker Program. It's not a fad­dish diet and it's not a gimmick; it really works. The program
helped many of my patients control their weight and, equally important, reduce their fat intake. This, in turn, helps to control their cholesterol and blood fats, reduce their risk of heart disease and cancer, and otherwise brighten their health outlook.
     The Fat Blocker Program, combining healthful eating with exercise and positive thinking, is based on the safe and sane principles that have won praise from medical experts all across the country. It also has something extra, a little lift to help get people started and keep them going through difficult periods. That something is Chitosan. For each gram (1,000 mg) of Chitosan that you take before a fatty meal, three to six grams of fat will pass through your body undigested. That fat won't contrib­ute calories, and it won't increase your cholesterol or blood fat levels. It's as if it were never there.
     The Fat Blocker Program does not make outrageous claims. You will not lose 30 pounds in two weeks while gorging on cake and ice cream. Instead, you will improve your health as you safely, steadily drop down to your ideal weight and stay there. I've seen it happen—many times.


Weight Loss


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